Saturday, December 4, 2010

nominal area choropleth map

nominal area choropleth map

This is an example of a nominal area choropleth map. The map illustrates a nominal data set over space. It shows the number of votes from each ward and who the majority of votes for that ward went to.

Classed Choropleth Map

classed choropleth map

This is an example of a classed choropleth map. We can tell that it is a classed choropleth map because there is a legend with a set number of classes and each area on the map is placed within one of the set classes.

un-classed choropleth map

un-classed choropleth map
This is an example of a choropleth map that is un-classed. This map would be considered un-classed because the data that is shown is not broken up into different classification groups. The data gradually goes from high to low but there are no set number of classes to specifically put each county in.

Bivariate choropleth map

bivariate choropleth map
This is an example of a bivariate choropleth map because it is a choropleth map that shows more than one variable. In the map it shows the difference in the worlds climate and also the effect that latitude has on climate.

univariate choropleth map

univariate choropleth map

A univariate map is a map in which a single variable is illustrated. In this map we can see that the map focuses solely on the amount of biomass resources in the united states. We can see on the map that the areas with the most resources available are the areas that heavily rely on agriculture such as parts of the midwest and areas of the south.

range graded proportional circle map

range graded proportional circle map
This is an example of a range graded proportional circle map. The data shown on the map is range graded because the cartographer uses different size circles to help show the analyst the difference between the classes. In this map you can see the density of Mexicans in the united states between the 50 states.

Box Plot

Box plots display differences between populations without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution: they are non-parametric. The spacing between the different parts of the box help indicate the degree of dispersion (spread) and skewness in the data, and identify outliners. The box plot above is displaying blood pressure among different groups of people.

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph depicts increases on one side of a zero line and a decrease on the other side. Bilateral graphs are used to display data when there are both positive and negative values. This bilateral graph shows the relationship between long term mortgages, and construction and development loans from the FDIC. 

Index Value Plot


An index value plot is another type of visualization map. An index value is plotted on a line graph. The image above shows an index value plot for the Arms Index. This is an index that deals with stocks and trading(also known as the traders index).

Classed Choroleth Map

With classed choropleth map the main objective is to determine height and shading or color intensity of the bar for each map classed. This would involve creating a classed frequency legend including a frequency histogram, a frequency curve, and shading. You can tell by looking at the image above that the different shading show different classes of deaths per capata based on age. 

Friday, December 3, 2010


Isobars are lines on a map that connect areas of equal atmospheric pressure. These lines are often used in meteorology on weather forecasting maps. The image above shows isobars around an area of low pressure up in the great lakes areas. You can see that at all points along this line, the atmospheric pressure is equivalent.


Lake Tahoe
DLG stands for digital line graph. It is a type of map created by the USGS that contains vector representations of cartographic images derived from other maps and related sources. They can include information from the USGS planimetric map base categories such as transportation, hydrography, and public land survey boundaries. Above is a DLG image of the Lake Tahoe area.


Lake Tohoe
A DEM is a digital elevation model. It is a map that digitally projects ground surface topography or terrain.  DEM’s are commonly built using remote sensing techniques but can also be built from land surveying.  The DEM above is a map created by the USGS. It is showing the topography of the Lake Tahoe Basin Area.


DOQQ maps are digital aerial images that the USGS produces. DOQQ stands for digital orthophoto quads. They contain orthorectified aerial photography. All of the images have a resolution of one meter. There are also different types of DOQQ maps. The one above is a color infra red image, of Johnston county North Carolina.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Parallel Cooridinate Graph

parallel coordinate
A parallel coordinate graph is a graph that is used to plot multivariate datasets. It is designed with each variable having its own y-axis. The creator then chooses a maximum point for each y axis, and scales the others relatively to each other.  Above is an image of a parallel coordinate graph this is showing all cells of drosophila and nine selected genes.

Lorenz Curve

Lorenz Curve
A Lorenz curve is a graph that is used for showing the concentration of ownership of economic quantities such as wealth and income. The image above shows the levels and age distributions of mortality for three different female populations.


A wind rose is a meteorological diagram that depicts the distribution of wind direction and speed at a location over a period of time. These can be very useful when observing weather patterns in an area. The picture above is an image of a wind rose that was constructed using data from a city a Maine. By looking at this image for just a moment you can see that there are predominantly north westerly winds in this particular area.

Correlation Matrix

correlation matrix
A correlation matrix is very similar to a similarity matrix, except that it shows the correlation between all pairs of data sets.   The picture above shows a correlation matrix that was calculated for a protein for phage7 (dealing with genetics).

Similarity Matrix

similarity matrix
A similarity matrix is a matrix of scores which expresses the similarity between two data points. Above is an image of a similarity matrix dealing with behavior clustering.  

Population Profile

A population profile is a type of map that shows the number of people in an area as a function of their ages. This is also many times referred to a population pyramid.
The image above is a population profile of the United States over a period of time and projected into the year 2015. With this image you can see how the structure of our population is changing over time.


Isopleth maps are maps that use contour lines to connect areas of equal elevation. There is usually a scale that shows the distance between two of the contour lines equal to so many feet. This makes it easy to also look at the steepness of slopes on a topographic map. Because the closer the isopleths are, the steeper the slope.
These are examples of isopleths maps with an interval of 10. This means that the distance between each line on this map is ten feet.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


DRG maps are short for Digital Raster Maps. These are maps that are scanned images of USGS standard series topographic maps. The image that is inside the map’s neatline is geo-referenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection. The horizontal positional accuracy and datum of the DRG matches the accuracy of the datum of the source map.
This is a DRG image of Bushkill PA.


An Isopach is a line on a map of the Earth's surface connecting points where a rock stratum has equal thickness. There for an Isopach map is one in which lines or different shading is used to display areas where the stratum is of equal thickness.  This is an Isopach map that is showing the areas off of the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The areas, in which the shading is the same, are areas where the stratum is equivalent.


Isohyets are maps that are designed to show the viewer areas of equivalent rainfall. On isohyets, lines are used to connect areas of equivalent rainfall. In this image you can see the United States. Different areas are connected by varying colors of lines depicting rainfall. This is an image created my NOAA on Saturday June 12, 2010.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A histogram is a representation of the distribution of experimental data. This is usually shown as a graph with an X axis and a Y axis. They are often times referred to as a bar graph. This particular histogram related the number of students and the grade that they scored on their final. You can see that the number of students is shown on the vertical axis, while the score on the final exam is noted on the horizontal axis.


Boulder Climograph
Climographs are graphs that depict annual precipitation and temperature for certain locations. One vertical axis typically shows temperature and the other shows rainfall while the horizontal axis shows time. This particular climograph shows annual precipitation and temperature for Boulder Colorado.

Triangular Plot

Triangular Plot
Triangular plots are maps that are often used to convey three variables X, Y, and Z onto a two dimensional area. This triangular plot shows the flammability of three different gasses.  You can see the correlation between these different gasses as conveyed by the different shading and lines on the triangular plot.  These plots are very effective in showing relationships between three variables.

Star Plots

Star Plot

Star plots are plots that can be used more effectively than others in conveying data with more than two dimensions (multivariate data). These plots can also be called spider plots due to the many lines that they often have giving them a spider like appearance. This is a star plot that is showing what often leads to scripts being judged well below the standards.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and Leaf
Stem and leaf plots are not the typical map one thinks of. However, in this class we have discovered that maps are much more than just representations of the globe onto a sheet of paper. A stem and leaf plot shows different numbers by having a tens place as the stem and ones place as the leaf. So in this plot above, the number represented would be 81, 84, and 85, exc.  



Isotachs are lines that meteorologist use to connect areas of equal wind speed. Isotachs are Similar to isobars which connect areas of equal pressure. However, one could also use colors to show these areas of equal wind speeds. This is a simple picture of an Isotach map that uses different colors to indicate these areas of equivalent wind speed.

Lidar Map of the Forest


LIDAR stands for Light Detection And Ranging. LIDAR measures properties of scattered light and or other information of a target.  Unlike radar, LIDAR uses much shorter wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.  This map above is a LIDAR image taken of a forest by an environmental group.  This particular group uses LIDAR to see the vegetation cover and tree heights of a particular forest area.

Doppler Radar

Doppler Radar for Tallahassee Fl
Doppler radar is radar that uses to Doppler effect to measure velocity.  The Doppler effect is the observed change of frequency of either sound waves or light waves varying with the relative velocity of the source and the observer.  
This is a still image from a Doppler radar image taken over Tallahassee Fl. Doppler radar is widely used by meteorologist to show viewers the rain systems coming through an area.

Infrared Aerial Photo of Hurricane Ivan

Hurricane Ivan
Infrared photos depict the heat that an object or mass is giving emitting. This means that when the photo is taken the areas of darker colors, i.e. red and dark orange are the warmest part of the mass, while lighter colors such as blue and white depict the cooler areas. This infrared aerial photo is one of hurricane Ivan that hit the Pensacola coast in September 2004. You can see the different colors depicted in this photo and compare it with the color spectrum at the bottom of the photo.

Statistical Map of Commute Times

Statistical Commute Time

A statistical map is a special type of map in which the variation in quantity of a factor is indicated by a variable such as color. This is a statistical map that shows the amount of time people commute to work everyday. The different time spans are indicated by different colors.

Proportional Circle Map

Proportional Circle Map
Proportional circle maps display data in relation to the size of circles. On this map, the circles represent the amount that each conties leading candidate is ahead. So to sum it up the larger the cirlce, the farther ahead the candidate is in that county.


PLSS Map of Franklin County
PLSS stands for Public Land Survey System. It was designed to subdivide public domain into square or rectangular parcels that would be more easily managed by the government. Public domain is defined as property owened and maintained by the government for benefit of the citizens of the United States. This is a PLSS map of Franklin County Alabama. It shows how the county is divided, also in yellow you can see the cities in the county.

Cadastral Map

Cadastral Map of Florida Counties
A Casastral Map is a map that is designed to show detailed information about  real property in an area. This can be map that shows all county divides such as the one above of the state of Floirda. There are alos other types of cadastral maps however that show things such as the property ownership of certiain areas of land.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hypsometric Ocean Map

A hypsometric map is a map that shows different elevations by color shading. This map shows the different depths of the sea through color shading. The shallower waters are denoted by lighter blue shading.
hypsometric map

Dot Distribution of FeederWatchers

This is a dot ditribution map. This map shows the areas of the United States where the people who participated in the anual Feeder Watcher (bird watching) program lived. Each dot represents a zip code where a paticipant lives.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010



Cartogram of Elections

Cartograms are maps where geographic space is intensionally distorted based on values of a theme. This is a cartogram map of the election outcomes for the 2004 election. As you can tell the sizes and shapes of the states have been distorted to more so show the area with greater population. This is useful because many times there are rather large states thtat are un populated but appear to have more pull than smaller states with many more inhabitants.

Flow Maps

Flow Maps

Flow maps are used to show trends of motion. They show the way things flow from one thought or area, to another. This particular flow map shows the movement of offices from the main headquarters to smaller satellite offices.

Contour Map of Temperatures

Contour Map of Temperatures

Contour maps are used to show relationships between two or more areas using contour lines. This particular contour map shows temperature highs for the country on a specific day. Areas that will be expierencing similar temperatures for that day are shaded using the same color.

Scatter Plots

Scatter Plot
Scatter plots are best used to show correlation between two things. This scatter plot is showing the relationship between the amount of time students spent on their exam to the grades that they recieved.

Black and White Aerial Photo of Kansas City

Black and White Aerial of Kansas City
Black and white aerial phots are mostly now a days satalite images taken of a perticular area. However, black and white images are not the same as satellite images. Black and white images are real pictures often times take from an airplane or helicopter. They give someone an idea of what a particular area actually looks like. This is a black and white aerial photo of I-35 in Kansas City.

Nazi Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps are maps that are used to persuade a particular group of people into believing an idea that often times is untrue. They are often used in times of war to get certain people to stand behind ideas of particular government or organization. This is an example of Nazi propaganda. This map portrays the Star of David as a giant wall. And in this wall are the peoples of other European nations being trapped.

Choropleth Map of Water Usage

water usage

Choropleth maps are used to show certain amounts per capata of something. This is usually viewed as a population density map. However, this particular choropleth map shows the amount of water consumed by each state. This is shown per millions of gallons a day per state.

Thematic Map of Incomes

Ratio of Estimated Famale to Male Earned Income

This is a perfect example of a thematic map. Thematic maps are maps that are used to show things such as percentages of populations. They are used to connect a particular theme with a a certain geographical area. This thematic maps connects the ratio of female to male income in different areas of the world.

Topographic Map of the United States

See full size image

US Topo
This is a topographic map of the United States. Topographic maps are designed to show raised relief of an area. Some of the main features on a topographic map of the U.S. are the rocky mountains in the west, and the appalacian mountains in the east.

Florida State University

campus map

A planimetric map is any map that pays attention to only the horizontal positions of features. This is a planimetric map of FSU campus. Notice that this only shows horizontal relationships to other things. This does not convey any signs of vertical relationships such as height.